About the OCD? Not Me! Program
OCD? Not Me! is an online treatment program for young people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The program is now available as a fully self-help program that young people can complete at home with the support of their parents/caregivers, or as a therapist-assisted program, which young people can complete using a combination of online learning at home and in session with their mental health professional.
Option 1: Therapist Assisted
Select this option if:
- Your young person is currently receiving psychological treatment from a mental health professional; AND
- You would like your young person to complete the therapist-assisted version of the OCD? Not Me! program with the support of their mental health professional.
Option 2: Self-Guided
Select this option if:
- Your young person is not currently receiving psychological treatment from a mental health professional, OR
- You would like them to complete the fully self-help version of the program